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After the holding company of the Holzkonzerns Ziegler Group established its company, there is talk of bankruptcy of such investors in the Ganges. Das teilte der Insolvenzverwalter, Rechtsanwalt Volker Böhm, mit. More interests for Ziegler-Gesellschaften have been reported.
Böhms Ziel is, when it comes to the most investments in the Ziegler-Gesellschaften investors in the company, so the Betriebe and the most chance of jewel-Arbeitsplätze that exist. There is a discussion with the group thinking about it. Jedoch will become a different investment category that will be interesting for non-interested investors in the future.
The previous insolvency proceedings have begun, the “complex constructions of the Ziegler-Gruppe for the company” and the economic situation of the individual group companies for the financing. Böhm sees after his own Angaben für einige der Unternehmen good Zukunftschannen.
The Ziegler Group from the Plößberg in the Tirschenreuth district in the Upper Palatinate has 3,000 Mitarbeiter – the largest davon in Germany – and was launched in 2023 with a market of 750 million euros.
The insolvency of the Ziegler-Holding with beef 170 Mitarbeitern is 20 of the 45 Gesellschaften within the Gruppe. First am Mittwoch has the Mitteilung fünf Gesellschaften Insolvenzantrag gestellt, darunter zwei Logistiktöchter.
Kerngeschäft von Ziegler is the solvency manager of holz production and conversion for the construction industry. This has led the business community to an offensive company and is in logistics, pellet production, production, in the home and the Fensterbau in the Haustechnik-tätig. The construction industry of Ukraine has struck the Ukraine-Krieg de Konzern in the Wachstums phase of the blessing, he is es.
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